About Us
Shift is located in the heart of Saint Louis City, Saint Louis. With two major rivers bordering our beloved home the energy that fuels us is not only the unique history but the guarantee that our films will move people. All of us are committed to storytelling and creating unique films that will inspire and help change, the perception of our city.
The Team
The People of SHIFT

Franki Cambeletta
Franki is in charge of creative content being put out by shift films, whether a documentary, narritive film, or podcast, Franki is always on hand to make sure the creative is researched, communicated and managed correctly. ​

Jeremy King
Jeremy King
Jeremy heads up our paranormal division to give insight into podcasts, films, and TV shows we are creating here at Shift. He is CoHost of the HAUNTED GARAGE PODCAST and is an intricate part of the Horror Festival we put on yearly for Saint Louis. ​